What Are You Grateful For?


November is in full swing, the weather is ripe for cooking chili and NFL football stadiums are packed with excited fans. As temperatures drop and Thanksgiving inches closer the excitement and anticipation of the holiday season begins to swell in our hearts. Before you gather with loved ones to carve the turkey, break bread and reflect on the past year, we wanted to talk gratitude with you.

Gratitude is the state of being thankful or appreciative. The holiday season tends to bring a more noticeable presence of gratitude as the year wraps up and we reflect on the challenges and successes of previous months. There are many different ways express gratitude: keep a gratitude journal or list - jot down things you are thankful for. Use your talents to give back to someone - bake cookies for local first responders, decorate cards for nursing home residents or donate your time to an organization you feel passionately about. Spend your time in the present moment appreciating things you otherwise may not notice, like the robust colors of changing fall leaves. Reach out to someone who has positively impacted your life and tell them how they've made a difference. Express thankfulness for your body and all that it can do. 

This holiday season, how will you express gratitude? What are you grateful for? 


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  • Whitney Bashaw
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